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Notice Board





AGM Notice


The notice for the AGM has today been posted.  The details are below:


AGM 6 March 2023 at 6-7pm

Main Hall

Skipsea Village Hall

Bridlington Road



Agenda Items:


  1. Apologies

  2. Minutes of the previous meeting - To be agreed

  3. Matters arising

  4. Chairpersons Report

  5. Treasurers Report, Accounts & Auditors Opinion

  6. Appointment of Auditor & Remuneration

  7. Appointment of Charity Trustees for 1 year

  8. AOB


This is your chance to get an update on how the Hall has done over the previous year, the financial situation and vote for the Trustees who sit on the Skipsea Village Hall Committee.




Skipsea Village Hall would like to apologise for the distress caused by the Ian Banks issue to the local community.


The Village Hall were not advised by the relevant authorities at the time of his arrest.


A "Serious Incident Report" has been made to the Charities Commission Board and we are liaising with East Riding Safeguarding Children Board.


We are being supported through this process by East Riding Voluntary Action Services (ERVAS).


Our Safeguarding Policy is being reviewed at present and we are implementing further mandatory Safeguarding Training.


We are also implementing a Safer Recruitment process, this involves DBS checks and references for new Trustees.  Existing Trustees are also having DBS checks, even though we are not compelled to do so.


We aim to be open and transparent moving forward with this.


Update from the December Committee Meeting:


Karen Kanee has become the new Chair of the Skipsea Village Hall Committee from 7 December 2022 following the resignation of Adrian Jones, the former Chair. Karen will be in the role until the AGM in March 2023 when a permanent Chair will be elected.

The Committee would like to thank Adrian for his time as Chair and is happy to work with him moving forward as a Trustee/Committee Member.


Cheryl Usher takes up the role of Temporary Vice Chair due to Katie Southward being on maternity leave.


Committee Members Needed!

The Skipsea Village Hall is looking for new Trustees/Members of its Committee.

The aim of Skipsea Village Hall is to provide a place for events, classes and a space for people to hire. This is what the Committee manages.

No experience is needed on a Committee, neither is a vast work history. Just a knowledge of what Skipsea needs and the ability to share your views and ideas at the meetings. You will recieve training and support to carry out the role.

The meetings are held at the beginning of each month on a Monday at 6pm. You must be able to attend the majority of these. You must also be over 18.

If you are interested in finding out what a Committee Member does then please contact us for further information.


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